Friday, April 6, 2012

Mass Effect 2 - Korlus - Krogan Assault

After getting Jack to side with FemShep on the battle against the Collectors, I decided to pick up Grunt next. I still haven't picked up Mordin/Garrus, so Horizon is still quite some distance away.

Anyway, after landing on Korlus, FemShep and party faced off squad after squad of Blue Suns mercs. And then came the Krogans!

I have fought through this area on lower difficulty settings (with other Shepards), but this journey was tiresome. You won't believe how much punishment a Krogan can take in Insanity (NG+) difficulty! It's like someone pumps them with an uber-dose of the strongest steroids the universe has managed to concoct so far! Add to that their hardened armor, which does not seem to take much damage from gunfire, and you will have some idea about the kind of challenge these brutal adversaries can pose.

Thankfully, my Adept FemShep packed a mean Warp and an assortment of biotic powers... but even then it took quite some time to nail each Krogan.

Have a look!

I'm presently in Rana Thanoptis' room, and shall be taking on Jedore soon. I'll try to post a vid of that encounter as well. If these fights are any indication, I anticipate that one would be a hell of a challenge!

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